Skirt Steaks served with Cilantro-Chimichurri sauce

This class was a great success and the sauces came out perfect and everyone enjoyed all the meals prep together with the sauces.
Orange-ginger glaze with grilled chicken breasts and mint couscous

Lamb pops with green olive sauce! Really good! This sauce was my favorite!

I hope that you all had a great time and enjoy the pictures and if anyone would like to have a copy of any of the recipes from this class please email me @ gourmetchefvanessa@gmail.com or chefvanessa@gourmetcuisines.com.
Happy meals everyone!
Chef Vanessa

In Portuguese:
Esta aula foi um sucesso e os molhos ficaram perfeitos e todo mundo adorou todas as refeições preparadas junto com os molhos.

Eu espero que todos tenham se divertido e aproveitem as fotos e se alguem quiser alguma receita de um dos pratos preparados por favor me mandem um email para gourmetchefvanessa@gmail.com ou chefvanessa@gourmetcuisines.com
Boas refeições para todos!
Chef Vanessa
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