This family had a great and lovely time with some friends & family and enjoyed a very delicious and elegant dinner to celebrate Rosh Hashanah.
Moroccan Beet Salad served in a appetizer spoon as an amuse-bouche. Very light!

Home-Made Hummus with fresh parsley

Enjoy the pictures and if you would like any of the recipes of the meals here shown please email me @ gourmetchefvanessa@gmail.com or chefvanessa@gourmetcuisines.com.
Mixed Greens Salad with Grape Tomatoes, Yellow Tomatoes & Pomegranate Seeds

Home-Made Raspberry Vinaigrette

Happy meals everyone!
Chef Vanessa
Chilled Cucumber Soup with fresh dill

In Portuguese:
Esta família pode aproveitar e celebrar Rosh Hashanah com alguns de seus amigos e família num delicioso e elegante e tudo ficou muito bonito.
Israeli Couscous with carrots, petit peas and fresh herbs

Baked Teriyaki Salmon with fresh herbs

Espero que gostem das fotos e se quiserem receber alguma das receitas de algum dos pratos preparados por favor me enviem email para gourmetchefvanessa@gmail.com ou chefvanessa@gourmetcuisines.com
Boas refeições para todos!
Chef Vanessa
Rosh Hashanah Honey Apple Cake & Lemon Cheese Cake without the raspberry sauce that was made to be served with!

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