I missed you all very much and as usual my computer have been breaking up on me and now when I thought that all my problems were resolved guess what they weren't. I just got a new computer, faster and so much more memory and etc what happened after 4 days of using, VIRUS!!! Big major one and now my computer is not working properly! Can you believe that, well I didn't as it almost looked like a joke but unfortunately it wasn't.
So I back using my little net book and hoping that it will collaborate with me until I can trust the other computer and so I will be more in touch with you all!
Oh by the way I have created I new blog to talk about daily spontaneously stuff like, food, web sites, strange things or stories so check it out OK! It's www.edibledailymoments.blogspot.com and of course my other blog which has been a huge success it's my Little Gourmet Cuisines blog! I have been teaching cooking classes for kids since last year and so far it has been a huge success and I will be teaching the beginning of this August at the Pompano Beach Civic Center and it will start on Aug. 3rd 2011 and it will run from 4Pm to 5Pm and the registration has already started directly with the Pompano Beach Civic Center office which is located at 1801 NE 6Th Street, Pompano Beach FL 33060 and their phone it's (954) 786-4111. This will be very cool because for the first time I will be teaching in a public space so everyone can come and register your kids and the age will be from kindergarten thru 5th graders. So spread the word and bring your kids as they will learn to eat healthier and try so many different foods, they will love this!!
Check the blog it's www.littlegourmetcuisines.blogspot.com
Happy meals everyone!
Chef Vanessa
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