Hello everyone!!
I have news and great recipes for you so keep checking my blog for the next weeks !
News, this Sunday may 17th 2009 will be French-Thai Cuisine class at Williams-Sonoma Store and we are sold out! Yeah!! I am really happy and really looking forward for that! The menu will be Lemon-Grass Mussels, Salmon in Parchment Paper, Chicken Pad Thai and Thai Spicy Beef Soup.
I will post some pix’s next day of class!!
And these are some pix’s of my poultry meatballs and this is the recipe:
Turkey and chicken meatballs
1lb ground turkey meat
1lb ground chicken meat
1 egg lightly beaten with a pinch salt
½ tsp dried oregano
½ tsp dried marjoram
½ tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp salt
1 small hero (or hoagie/ bread) cubed and dried in pre-heated oven 375 for 5 to 7 minutes or until dry
½ cup of milk
½ small yellow onion diced
1 garlic clove smashed and finely chopped
1 tbsp of finely chopped green onions
2 tbsp of finely chopped parsley
Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.
Start 1st with soaking the dried bread with the ½ cup milk and reserve.
Mix both ground meats with onion, garlic, black pepper, oregano, marjoram, salt. Squeeze out the milk from bread and mix soaked bread into mixture but do not over work your meat or you will get hard meatballs.
Make a little patty of the meat mixture and cook it on a frying pan until cooked and try it to make sure about the seasoning. If it’s perfect then it’s ready to make little balls of the mixture.
Make little balls using a spoon so you can have the same amount always and bake it in lined baking sheet pan with parchment paper until golden brown.
Enjoy and happy meals everyone!
Chef Vanessa
Em Português:
E aí pessoal!!!
Tenho novidades e ótimas receitas então continuem a checar o meu blog nas próximas semanas!
Bom vamos começas pelas novidades, este Domingo Maio 17 2009 vai ser a classe the Culinária Francesa-Thailandesa na loja do Williams-Sonoma no Town Mall em Boca Raton e estamos lotados!!! Yeah!!! E eu estou muito feliz e anciosa !! O menu será Mariscos no molho de tomates, vinho branco e capim-cidreira, Salmão assado no papel vegetal, Frango Pad Thai e Sopa apimentada de carne à moda thailandesa.
Eu vou colocar umas fotos depois da aula assim poderão ver como ficaram os pratos!
Aqui estão umas fotos das minhas almondegas de frango com peru e segue junto a receita!
Aproveitem e boas refeições!
Chef Vanessa
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